Jersey Devils Reunion Association

To current and former personnel of the 177th Fighter Wing: 

In recognition of your service in the 177th Fighter Wing, you are invited to become a member of the "Jersey Devils" Reunion Association of the 177th Fighter Wing, New Jersey Air National Guard (ACY Airport).

Established in 1991, our main purposes are to maintain continued friendships and associations between current members, former members and civilian employees of the 177th Fighter Wing, and to provide social activities and other programs that will benefit the membership.

We are not a "retired only" organization. All current, retired, former officers, warrant officers, enlisted personnel, civilian employees, as well as current and former Air Force Advisors assigned to the 177th Fighter Wing and supporting units, are eligible for Active Membership.

A legal spouse of one of the above mentioned, automatically becomes an Associate Member when the eligible member pays the required dues amount. Surviving spouses of former members and civilian employees must pay the required dues amount to become or remain an associate member except for Life Members whose status automatically transfers to the surviving spouse.

A newsletter, designed to keep the membership informed on the happenings and concerns of the association and unit, is published and distributed quarterly. A member directory is published and distributed annually.

Annual dues are $5.00. Life membership, remit $50.00. Make checks payable to NJANG Reunion Association.

To join click on the link MEMBER INFO FORM.